self love.

Here is your PSA to stop trying to be someone you're not. Also, to stop going back or staying in situations that make you feel safe because their familiar. If you're in your 20s or younger, we all know you have to discover that yourself. With that said here is my personal intake:

I am not your typical Health Coach.

I don’t live a glamorous life in California or somewhere a bit more aesthetically pleasing . I live in the Midwest. I’ve had all the life experiences that left many physical and emotional scars. From relationship trauma, death of a loved one, sobriety, major health issues and diagnosis. These have made me stronger mentally and physically so in a sense I am completely okay with them happening.

A huge component I have struggled with my whole life is accepting fully who I am, we will dive into how those situations along with health issues and visible skin problems can cause a lot of mental health issues for someone in another blog.

I’ve learned that leaving my skin unedited is totally okay, but also if editing your blemishes makes you feel good then so be it. Just know that either way your beautiful and those blemishes, scars, wrinkles do not define you as a person.

Its also okay to leave your hair natural or untouched.

Its okay to dress how you feel most comfortable

Its okay to have rough unmanicured hands.

Be Feminine and masculine both yin & yang because there’s no certain way to be a woman!

Point being I finally understand who I am and why I love her. I admire my growth, my strength, my creativity and I welcome it all. As we step into our 30s I think a whole shift happens in life and depending on your path that led you up until this moment you embrace it all.

We then become in alignment with ourselves. This is who we are and it beautiful to accept and honor that.

I am no longer trying to fit myself in a box, this is me and I am doing all the passions that connect me as one.

My view on life now is to look back and smile because I did everything that I was passionate about. Everything that personally brought me joy in this life.

That starts with loving your truest self.

Podcast on Spotify & Apple.